Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Many things had happened... T.T

I'm back!!! It's been a while since my last blogged. I'm not feeling good right now. I'm sick, I got a fever yesterday and now I'm feeling hungry... So where will I start?

April 3 & 4 - We had our retreat. It is really fun. I had so much fun. I feel relaxed, gain new friends, learned new things, appreciate life, reflected and had a talk with God. I really enjoy nature tripping, I like appreciating nature. As your sitting in a bench and sofa while the wind gently touches your face... aahhhhh so relaxing.... I wish I can have one more nature tripping after this whole summer ended. I also learned something about those nine kinds of angels and I thought the archangels are the strongest but they are I think the second to the last. Would you believe the St. Michael was in that group?!? and Lucifer was a Seraphim? and Seraphim was the strongest among those nine angels. I couldn't believe at first. I wonder what book will be the story of the angels are? I wanted to read it.

April 5 - If I remember it right we went to GH to buy clothes. Well, we did There were nice clothes and if only I had money at that time. I also bought a bag which I wonder how much does it cost in Divisoria? I assume it was cheaper. But though it's a tiring day my feet hurts really bad, I did buy a nice hirt and a bag so it's sort of kinda worth it...lol...xD

April 6 - I thought it's gonna be a realxing day but it's not.... we went to Divisoria and buy some clothes...again... and some pants. I also bought Dad his mp3. Darn! I just spotted a kawaii guy. Well his cute at first glance but if you stare at him for a long time h isn't that cute anymore...hahaaha.... But I promise I'll be back in that shop coz' I wanna buy that mp3 kinda T mobile thing. But it's kinda expensive coz' it costs 1,900 I think...

April 7 - I know we don't have any work at this date because of April 9 event but due to memory gap I forgot what happened at that time... :(

April 8-11 - Just like April 7 due to memory gap I forgot what happened to these dates... *geez am I that really bad?!?*

April 12 - I remember that, that day was really hot. So my cousins, sister and I went to a mall planning to watch a movie but by cousin doesn't want so we ended playing in the arcades and eating. It was a fine day even though its hot.

April 13 - After going to mass, I kinda like relaxing for a bit until my cousin ask me to accompany her buy those medical supplies that she needed. *sheeeshhh... i thought i can relax..i thought i can... but not....* So we went to Bambang to buy those medical supplies and she treated me for a java frap so I'm kinda cool with that.

And now... I'm not feeling good, I don't know why but maybe because of tiredness or something... I got a headache yesterday and it really hurts that time, I went to sleep hopefully it will be gone but it didn't. So I checked my temperature and I got a fever so I drink a medicine that hopefully cures the fever and my headache and it did somehow for a bit. After a little while it hurts again so I went to the bathroom and vomited thought it hurts again until now at least it subsided for a bit. I don't know what's happening to me but I don't wanna be sick anymore...

Well i think that's all for now... Jia ne!

PS and my other blog that says We will miss you amanda... I really don't know what to say... coz' I just found out it was a joke... she faked her joke due to that April fool thing... It's not nice to joke about your own death..people thinks it's funny but she just played on peoples feelings...

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