Saturday, March 29, 2008

Crazy day :)

I had a crazy day today... lol... I just woke up at 10am then I already open the computer for checking my forums...^^ after that I haven't noticed that it's already lunch time and mom and dad were going somewhere so I was the one who cooked the food for the lady who do our laundry. So after they left and finished my food I already head upstairs to do some chatting at my anime forums. Well all of them today were like crazy people. What I need to do by then was to do 10 posts for me to achieve my 500th posts so anyways I thought it was easy but due to some crazy chatting at the sb I forgot to After that my friend texted me if I could get online to the forum (well that's another forum for me) so I went there and told me that we need to chat at the sb. So I also went there while chatting withe her I was also chatting to my anime forum.. I really got crazy there coz' the conversation on the anime forum was really fast my eyes can't keep up. So while I am chatting one of the chatters asks if me and the other guy in the forum were like have a relationship like bf/gf. I was shocked when he ask but then I replied "no". Then the involved guy answered also no. So I was laughing I also replied that If I had a relationship with him I might be in jail. Then another guy asked "why so". But then the guy who asked if we had the relationship said coz' I am 22 and the guy was 14. Then I told them he is my ototo. Ototo means younger brother in Japanese.. Then we laughed. They taught I was just like 16 but I told him that I am old but I think like a child. While the guy who was involved told us that in his forums he was the people taught the he was 24 or something coz' he might thinks mature.. Geez people nowadays, so that time was really crazy. hen I check the time it was like kinda 3pm and I haven't took my shower. It was really hot that time but didn't matter coz' I was really enjoying the chat. So after that just now I also checked again the forum and I know my friend made me the sig that I request but I couldn't believe someone also did the sig and someone reacted that I was lucky two people doing the sig for the price of I was somehow really happy right now... I hope tomorrow will be the same... and the coming days.. :)

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