Thursday, March 13, 2008

another SY ended...

Time flies so fast.. another SY has ended. My sister will be on her third year next SY. It's true that if you're not always looking at the time and just spend the moment and go with life's flow you won't notice the time. It really is fast. We're going to have a one week break due to the lenten season. so it means no meat for 3 days... i think.... no loud songs actually no songs and no quarrels for me...and especially no laughing and happy thoughts?!? that's totally so much but i need to practice abstinence and that's what will i do. i'm so having this feeling that i'm not going to experience a nice summer vacation?!? am i? my HS friends has no intention of planning one they keep on relying on me being the organizer, well that sucks coz' i really don't wanna be anymore. it's really hard to organize schedules and people with their dates and transportation then an instance will happen that they can't come because they can't make a leave in the office and such...huh!?! so i really resigned in being an organizer. As for my collge friends, hmm i think i'm really not coming if they pursue the plan to go to Batangas. I really am so mad ows, not mad upset with one of my friends. Well, i have no plans in putting the reasons. As for my family, I really don't know if they're planning for one. Coz' I think they just wanna slack at home doing nothing feeling the hot weather and so. *sigh* my summer vacation sucks!

But the one thing is even i have no summer vacation, I really hope I cango place to place.. anywhere so that I can put it in my planner and more scrapbooking for me...^^

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