Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thank you God!

I just wanna share two stories happened last week. I can say that God is always here and will always protect us even though you don't ask Him to cause that's how good God is.

First story:

My mom called me and told me she nearly fooled by a phone call. Someone called mom in her office and told that she has a package. The caller knows the name of my aunt even the whole name of my mom and where my aunt lives. The caller also told her that they will give her glasses and plenty of chocolates just don't tell to my relatives about it coz' they might feel envious. The catch is she need to pay the excess baggage of 2k + .So right then mom got the feeling of doubt about this caller. First is my uncle just left, it's very doubtful that my aunt will sent another money. Second, why do they need to tell my mom that she need not tell anyone about it? Too bad mom doesn't know how to keep secrets. She will either tell to my dad or to me (and too bad I won't remember it coz' it won't fit in my filing portion of my brain). So she called the security for advice and they told her that she will be escorted by a civillian security just to make sure. But when she went out no one was there. The caller never called mom again.

Second story:
My cousin and I went to a drugstore. My cousin was in front of me and there is this guy holding his child in front of my cousin and a woman an maybe a 5 year old kid at my back. So my cousin just walked straightly to the store while the guy with a child stopped by to the guard to surrender their baggage. While me at his back I also stopped there to surrender mine. Good thing the guard told me it's ok if I enter the store with the baggage so after three steps from the guard I heard a loud crash. When we turned our back we saw the glass door was broke. We saw the woman and the child that was in my back had their cuts. I was really lucky at that time I can say.

So that was my story last week I just wanted to thank God that He never leave us. He is always there protecting my family. He is always in our hearts. God is really good. Please take care of my mom especially that she is in a big situation with a problem in her work. Please God let the truth reveal for the peace of the each family and peace of the country. Amen.

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