Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What a crazy week...T_T

Since Monday I have this feeling like I'm running out of time. It's like someone's chasing me and I need to do all the things that needs to be done. After that I feel tired, I feel sleepy especially in the office I don't know why. I can't explain the things that's been happening to me I really feel I'm in a hurry. Anyways now that I realized that I was hoping I can slow down and feel everything that's happening to me and I don't need to rush everything. I know that someday everything will be in it's proper place and just treasure everything. As what Ryuuki told to Shuurei:

"You don't have to hurry, We're not in a hurry, We'll be waiting for you..
...always, no matter how far in the future it maybe... or however far away you are..
when that day surely comes... our dream.. will be right hereever since the first time...
...that we met each other here..."

I know I keep on saying and try believing myself that true love really waits but half of my other self still wanted to be in a hurry to find who my other half is. So maybe God said "my child you're such in a hurry." So maybe He somewhat made me feels like really in a rush. The moral lesson is don't be in a rush and have fun with life. I might pass by the important things and regret it if I made myself in a hurry. The important things that I miss won't happen again so take a pause and enjoy everything that you have right now .

*Thank you God for making me realize this lesson before it's too late...^_^*

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