Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trade Trust

Trade Trust - exchanging of trust by two people. Proof for the two people that they could trust each other.

I understand nowadays that it's hard for a person to give his trust to someone else coz' even a friend could betray you. I can't believe that just to perform this trade trust even if the person will look bad to the other just to prove he can trust this man, It was so incredible to think of a way like this. I'm sure anyone who took this test and passed was a really worth it friend. And to those who failed might as well reflect on the wrong doings but I didn't say you're a bad friend. It was not at your best. Or another is you really didn't want that person to be your friend. Coz' if you wanna make friend to someone you will do anything for her just to prove that your sincere in your intention.

I just realized that maybe this person who made this trade trust was a very friendly person before but he also had some bad experiences that's why he made up such plan. I am so fortunate that even I have a very few friends I know I could trust my life to them. Thanks guys...

"Even though you have many friends, only few were real..."

It is also very tiring to doubt all the people...It's easier if we could just give them our trust but so very painful...

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