Thursday, January 17, 2008

My journal last December 30, 2007

This was my journal last December 30, 2007. I can't sleep that day I don't know why...lols...

It’s 11:26 in the evening and I still can’t sleep. I don’t have a clue if something’s bothering me or if someone’s just thinking of me. Well it’s just an old saying that if you can’t sleep even if your body anted well maybe someone was thinking of you at the moment. If it is true then who could it be? And if only I knew who he or she is I’m gonna tell her/him to stop it coz’ I really need to sleep. Anyway, to make my night more productive so just gonna type whatever I wanted to put even if it’s just a non sense things. So, there were so many topics I wanted to put but I don’t know which must be the first.

I finished watching the anime Jigoku Shoujo a.k.a Hell Girl. It’s all about a girl namely Enma Ai who was killed by her villagers. Actually the people in her village has this belief that to give thanks to their god they need to sacrifice a seven year old girl in order to have a good harvest. However the parents of Enma disobeyed that belief, they asked for Sentarou’s help so they kept Enma in the deeper forest. On the contrary after ho many years the villagers still found out about that secret and they surely did kill Enma and so as her parents. But Enma has this some kind of power so she woke up from the grave and set the village on fire. In order to repent for her sins she needed to accompany the souls of the people who are cursed by other people. Those people who accessed the Hell Girl homepage were given a “straw doll” and if they pull the string that is attached to the doll they entered into a contract with the Hell Girl. However, there is a restitution there will be two graves, meaning the one who cast the curse will also go to hell but after they die. Enma will do this task for almost 400 years. Many things, story had happened and was witnessed by Enma and so as her servants Wannyudon, Soren-Hanna, and Ichimoko Ren. What I understand about this anime is first we really should not curse other people who harm us no matter how hard it is. We should not let hatred conquers our heart but forgiveness. Yes, I know were only humans we do make mistakes that’s why one’s mistake will not be resolved by another mistake. The story ended when Enma disobeyed her task all of the people she brought to hell for 400 years all that hatred, sorrows were felt my Enma but it ended by not cursing other people and by forgiving them. The second thing that I somewhat understand is when Enma died for the second time her servants became human again they understand that human world is more like hell than hell it is. I wonder if the world is really that bad? But what I understand is I agree that there is really many unfortunate happenings in this world but not all, there were still good things that’s happening that makes this world equal. The moral lesson of the story is forgive others even if they do bad things to you. Maybe those people just lack love so we need to show them how to be loved and forgive.

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