Thursday, December 6, 2007

Authorized Employee Only

Authorized Personnel ONLY!!

As of December 9, I will be a regular employee of the company that I'm working with! Wohhoooo... So happy at last I am now employed to a stable company... Experience the benefits, bonuses.... Sugoi!!!! I should really celebrate! I just saw my job functions and I can see that its somewhat easy... Well as far as I can see, Let's see the working...
Now, supposed to be I am working but I'm so tempted to these forums and other stuffs... I'm really a slacker! Well, I must prove to them that I can make it. Someone told me that I'm so blessed because after 10 years the President, for the first time hired an employee out of an agency. Well, I really can see that I am blessed thanks to them for helping me make through with this job. I can feel that the President is really expecting a lot from me. The best thing is I hope they can allow me to travel go out of the country even tough the purpose is the job at least I can go out. Really amazing.... Now that I have a job I must find the perfect match... hahaha... Well, I have my work there's this tiny little problem... Where is HE? where is he? where is this beautiful guy who is he? who is he? whose gonna take me so high. dadadada....

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