Monday, August 20, 2007

What a week...

Whew! what a week It's like I had a sembreak. Last Wednesday DepEd announced the suspension of classes. The next day hoping that someone will announced the suspension of classes on Friday and someone did President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced the suspension of classes at 11:30pm in the late night news. Wow what three straight days. Of course there will be again no classes yesterday, Monday because of the celebration of Ninoy Aquino. I am so sure that many people really took advantage of those days especially the kids. Raining outside, blowing wind, Cold weather... wow make me sleep all day. Well my everyday routine that time was waking up early just to eat breakfast, watching movies especially the anime in the local channel then eat again at lunch after cleaning the dishes sleep until I realized it was already dinner talking with my cousins and sister, watch my favorite horror movie then get back to sleep again. hahaha... It is really fun during typhoon days. Somehow I just realized that even tough it's fun I became conscious when I heard a news about the SAD syndrome. It was called Seasonal Affective Disorder. This syndrome is about the reaction of humans and animals due to the changing of season with changes in mood, metabolism and behavior. I will tell more about it in my next blog. Another problem that I am encountering right now after that long vacation was I forgot the things that I was suppose to do at work. :(

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