Monday, February 25, 2008

The Secret

I haven't read the book but my sister told me that the book and the movie is almost the same. I thought when I watched the movie it's more on watching like a movie... But turns out to be like a talk about what the secret is. What I understand about the movie is the secret is about "The Law of Attraction". It's more on positive thinking and everything will attract to what you think. For example if you think that you're going to have a good day then your day will be good. But if you start your day with a bad mood then it will go as you wish. They tackle about relationship, health, money, yourself and it turns out to be a nice talk. I did learn many things especially the vision board, I am unaware that I somehow did it. Coz' the last time my phone was snatched I just went to a mall and just pick the flyer of a phone that I want. I posted it in my bedrooms wall and when my birthday comes my mom bought me just like the phone that want. I am really not aware that I just did the vision thing. So I will start my life with a vision notebook and a positive energy so that I can get the things that I want in any way it will come. I will bare in mind that many people will bring me down and make my energy go down but I won't let them and still aim to my goal.
From now on I will make my own life. Especially I won't forget to thank God for everything.^^ I'll just start my life in a positive way...^^

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